Electric Steel Melting Water Cooled Cable, Arc Furnace cable, ASTM B-172-95 Rope Lay Bunch Strand, Bare Copper Wire, Tinned Copper Wire, 1000 MCM Bare Copper Wire, 1250 MCM Bare Copper Wire, 1500 MCM Bare Copper Wire, 1750 MCM Bare Copper Wire, 2000 MCM Bare Copper Wire, ABC Wire Bare Copper, Southwire Bare Copper


1X Technologies commonly manufactures bare copper wire and tinned copper wire in sizes ranging from 600 MCM, 750 MCM, 1000 MCM, 1250 MCM, 1500 MCM, 1750 MCM and 2000 MCM Bare Copper and Tinned Copper Wire.

If required, we manufacture up to 6000 MCM or 6000 KCMIL Bare Copper or Tinned Copper Wire. When it comes to large sized bare copper wire and extra large sized tinned copper wire we will truly excel for you.

We also make rope lay bunch stranded conductors using 30 AWG fine wire for extreme flexibility.

  • Description: 1X Technologies Solid or concentric-lay stranded bare copper conductors available in soft, medium-hard, or hard temper. Solid or stranded tin coated copper conductors available in soft temper only
  • Application: Used in overhead electrical transmission and distribution for grounding electrical systems where high conductivity and flexibility is required. Suitable for numerous other applications.
  • ASTM B-1 Hard-drawn copper wire 
  • ASTM B-2 Medium-hard-drawn copper wire 
  • ASTM B-3 Soft or annealed copper wire 
  • ASTM B-8 Concentric-lay stranded copper conductors: hard, medium-hard, or soft  
  • ASTM B-33 Tinned soft or annealed copper wire 
  • ASTM B-172-95 Rope Lay Bunch-Stranded Copper Conductors    (Special Request)
  • Extra Large Copper Conductor Sizes: 1000 KCMIL, 1250 KCMIL, 1500 KCMIL, 1750 KCMIL, 2000 KCMIL, 2250 KCMIL, 2500 KCMIL, up to 6000 KCMIL 



AWG SIZE Strand Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Diameter (inches) Hard-Drawn Medium-Hard Drawn Soft-Drawn Allowable Ampacity
Ind. Wires Comp.Cable Rated Strength (lbs.) DC Resistance Ohms/1000 ft. @ 20˚C Rated Strength (lbs.) DC Resistance Ohms/1000 ft. @ 20˚C Rated Strength (lbs.) DC Resistance Ohms/1000 ft. @ 20˚C
10 7 32.06 .043 .130 492 1.060 389 1.054 314 1.019 50
8 7 51.0 .049 .146 777 .6663 610 .6629 499 .6408 95
6 7 81.1 .061 .184 1228 .4191 959 .4169 794 .4030 130
4 7 128.9 .077 .232 1938 .2636 1505 2622 1320 .2534 170
3 7 162.5 .087 .260 2433 .2090 1885 .2079 1670 .2010 200
2 7 204.9 .097 .292 3050 .1660 2360 .1650 2110 .1578 230
1 7 258.4 .109 .328 3801 .1316 2955 .1309 2552 .1252 265
1/0 7 325.8 .123 .368 4752 .1042 3705 .1037 3221 .1002 310
1/0 19 325.8 .075 .373 4752 .1042 3705 .1037 3221 .1002 310
2/0 7 410.9 .138 .414 5926 .08267 4640 .08224 4062 .07949 355
2/0 19 410.9 .084 .418 6690 .08267 4765 .08224 4024 .07949 355
3/0 7 518.1 .155 .464 7366 .06556 5812 .06522 5118 .06304 410
3/0 19 518.1 .094 .470 7698 .06556 5970 .06522 5074 .06304 410
4/0 7 653.3 .174 .522 9154 .05199 7278 .05172 6459 .04999 480
4/0 19 653.3 .106 .528 9617 .05199 7479 .05172 6453 .04999 480
250 19 771.9 .115 .574 11360 .04400 8836 .04378 7627 .04231 530
250 37 771.9 .082 .575 11600 .04400 8952 .04378 7940 .04231 530
300 19 926.3 .126 .628 13510 .03667 10530 .03648 9160 .03526 590
300 37 926.3 .090 .630
350 19 1081 .136 .679 15590 03143 12200 .03127 10680 .03022 650
350 37 1081 .097 .681 16060 .03143 12450 .03127 10580 .03022 650
400 19 1235 .1451 .725
400 37 1235 .104 .728
500 37 1544 .116 .814 22510 .02200 17550 .02189 15240 .02116 810
600 37 1853 .127 .891 27020 .01834 21060 .01825 18300 .01763 910
750 61 2316 .111 .998 34090 .01467 26510 .01459 22890 .01410 1040
1000 61 3088 .128 1.152 45030 .01100 35100 .01094 30500 .01058 1240
1250 61 3859 .1431 1.293 55670 .008801 43590 .008755 36320 .008463 1075
1250 91 3859 .116 1.289 56280 .008801 43880 .008755 36320 .008463 1075
1500 61 4631 .1568 1.411 65840 .007334 51950 .007296 43590 .007052 1180
1500 91 4631 .128 1.412 67540 .007334 52650 .007296 43590 .007052 1180

MADE IN THE USA            


Bare Rope-Lay Bunch Stranded Conductors

1X Technologies manufactures custom bare copper rope-lay-stranded conductors having bunch-stranded members from round copper wires, either un-coated or coated with tin, lead, or lead-alloy for use in electrical conductors.

Rope-lay-stranded conductors having bunch-stranded members are classified as Class I, Class K, and Class M. Necessary joints in wires or in groups of wires shall be made in accordance with accepted commercial practice, taking into account the size of the wire or group of wires as related to the size of the entire conductor. Conductors of the same size and description furnished on one order shall have the same lay.

Extra Flexible Rope-Lay Bunch Strand

In very flexible conductors, such as welding conductor, the direction of lay of the stranded members forming rope-lay-stranded conductor may be in the same, rather than in reversed. For the purpose of calculating the mass, cross sections, etc., the density of copper shall be taken. The mass and electrical resistance of a unit length of stranded conductor as a function of the length of lay shall be measured.     

Extra Large sizes on Rope Lay Bunch Strand Conductors –  Water Cooled Cables for Steel Melting

We manufacture Bare Rope-Lay Bunch Stranded Conductors  in extra large sizes used for many applications, often for ARC furnaces and as the conductors for water cooled cables. Although they have found use in other industries, the large water cooled cable is primarily used in electric steel melting using the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Ladle Furnace processes. When combined within a water cooled cable this can be as large as 20,000 MCM or KCMIL.

  • 1000 KCMIL,
  • 1250 KCMIL,
  • 1500 KCMIL,
  • 1750 KCMIL,
  • 2000 KCMIL,
  • 2250 KCMIL,
  • 2500 KCMIL,
  • 3000 KCMIL,
  • 3500 KCMIL,
  • 4000 KCMIL,
  • 4500 KCMIL,
  • 5000 KCMIL,
  • 5500 KCMIL,
  • up to 6000 KCMIL.