SEOOW Portable Cord Flexible Wire & Cable [Manufacturers Specs/Price]

1XTech® SEOOW Portable Cord Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) Flexible Wire & Cable Specifications, Chart, Ampacity / Amps, Pricing/Cost per foot to buy 1XTech® sells quality SEOOW Portable Cord at competitive prices and offers fully customizable cable including custom colors.  SEOOW multiconductor power cables are used in your 600-volt electrical applications that require flexibility and durability such […]

Yellow Cord SOOW 600V & SJOOW 300V [Price, Specs, Types, Sizes)

1XTech® Yellow SOOW Cord 600V | Yellow SJOOW Cord 300V Manufacturers, Specifications, Amps, Pricing/Cost to buy, Types, Sizes, Made in the USA 1X Technologies designs, manufactures, sells, and supports our clients with Yellow Cord SOOW & SJOOW Cable which is used in heavy-duty industrial applications where extreme flexibility and unquestioned durability are required. 600 Volt Yellow […]